Use "matrix|matrices|matrixes" in a sentence

1. The identity matrix Commutes with all matrices.

2. Matrix Analysis: Toeplitz Matrices and Fast Algorithms.

3. Volatile matrices for matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry

4. The Blosum (BLOck SUbstitution Matrix) series of matrices rectifies this problem

5. The Antisymmetric indexing function is most commonly used as a parameter to the Matrix constructor when creating Antisymmetric Matrices (i.e., matrices where the …

6. The rank of matrix which two matrices act right semi - tensor product is given.

7. As special forms of matrixes, symmetric and anti-symmetric matrix plays a key role not only in the theory of matrix but also in actual application.

8. An expression of the generalized eigenvector of adjoint matrices for nonsingular matrix A is derived.

9. The Blosum (BLOcks of Amino Acid SUbstitution Matrix) matrix is a substitution matrix used for sequence alignment of proteins.Blosum matrices are used to score alignments between evolutionarily divergent protein sequences

10. Nowadays we call such an array a "matrix," and many of them hanging out together, "matrices".

11. The gas-phase Basicities of three common matrices used in matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization (MALDI) have been investigated using laser desorption with Fourier transform ion cyclotron reso The Gas-Phase Basicities of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Matrices - R.J.J.M

12. Aim It is aimed at finding out the solution to judging an irreducible matrix as an H-matrices.

13. A second matrix of complex values, which contains orthogonal vectors, is derived based on the Jacobi rotation matrices.

14. In linear algebra and the theory of matrices, the Schur complement of a block matrix is defined as follows.

15. In essence, a representation makes an abstract algebraic object more concrete by describing its elements by matrices and the algebraic operations in terms of matrix addition and matrix multiplication.

16. The two Blosum (BLOcks SUbstitution Matrix) scoring matrices I use for protein sequence alignment are Blosum 62 and Blosum 50.…

17. Antisymmetry can only be found on square matrices, because otherwise the matrix and its transpose would be of different dimensions

18. Matrix serves as a key tool in the study of higher algebra. The definition and properties of symmetric and anti-symmetric matrices are given in discussing the computation of matrix transpose.

19. Process of decellularizing biological matrices and acellular biological matrices useful in tissue engineering

20. So, Blosum matrices may have less evolutionary meaning than the PAM matrices Thus, PAM matrices are used for making phylogenetic tree

21. The feature matrixes exhibit self-correlativity of picture element distribution.

22. A default convention is used for output matrices based upon the names of the input matrices.

23. In this paper, a fast algorithm for image interpolation based on the tensor product of matrices is presented, which transforms the vector interpolation model to matrix form.

24. Matrix addition and multiplication make the set of all n × n matrices into an associative algebra and hence there is a corresponding representation theory of associative algebras.

25. Adding matrices is pretty simple.

26. Optical components in glass matrixes used for Driver Assistance Systems

27. The Blosum (BLOck SUbstitution Matrices) matrices were derived by Steven and Jorja Heniko in 1992 1

28. The Controllability matrix of a discrete-time system does not depend on the sampling period: For descriptor systems, the slow and fast system matrices need to be full rank for Controllability: Controllability of the slow subsystem is determined by the first matrix:

29. We've learned about matrix addition, matrix subtraction, matrix multiplication.

30. A variety of food matrices representing diverse categories of foods were analyzed to assess the effect of food matrix on Amandin recognition and recovery using rabbit polyclonal antibody based immunoassays.

31. A simple example how you could use Bindless uniform buffers to update the transformation matrix of some objects to render <CLICK>first, update the buffer content with the matrices

32. Conformable matrix synonyms, Conformable matrix pronunciation, Conformable matrix translation, English dictionary definition of Conformable matrix

33. According to various embodiments, microfabricated structures including affinity-based capture matrixes inline with separation channels are provided.

34. Alternatively, the carboxylic acid and hydrogen carbonate components are compounded into separate polymer matrixes, and later combined.

35. So, in computer software, actually for small matrices they do this, but for larger matrices, they use other algorithms.

36. Use of alginate matrices to control cell growth

37. Levels in abiotic environmental matrices of remote regions

38. And so, what does addition of matrices mean?

39. Matrices for reflexive, symmetric and Antisymmetric relations

40. Basophilic bone matrix synonyms, Basophilic bone matrix pronunciation, Basophilic bone matrix translation, English dictionary definition of Basophilic bone matrix

41. Matrix: Blosum (Blocks Substitution Matrix) scoring matrix with a specified percent identity

42. Whereas PAM is implicitly applying a stationary finite sites model of evolution using matrix exponentiation, the effect of multiple substitutions is dealt with implicitly in Blosum by constructing different score matrices for

43. Examples of noncommutative rings include matrices and quaternions.

44. Scalar formulas do carry over for these matrices.

45. Triangular matrices, in particular, are usually quite tractable.

46. If I manage to get this Approximative basis, I can do the sum of 2 eigen values of each matrix in the same basis (Fisher matrices synthesis and I know already these eigen values)

47. Applications of matrices are found in most scientific fields.

48. The cofactor matrix of a square matrix A is the matrix of Cofactors of A

49. Use our online Adjoint matrix calculator to find the adjugate matrix of the square matrix.

50. The condition that irreducible matrix or the matrix with nonzero elements chain is H-matrix is derived.

51. An Antisymmetric matrix is a Matrix which satisfies the identity (1) where is the Matrix Transpose

52. The power of an Antisymmetric matrix is equivalent to an Antisymmetric matrix or a symmetric matrix

53. Overview • Blosum = BLOck SUbstitution Matrices, (Henikoff and Henikoff, 1992)

54. The Matrix.

55. Matrix decomposition is an important tool for matrix computation.

56. The Adjoint of a matrix (also called the adjugate of a matrix) is defined as the transpose of the cofactor matrix of that particular matrix

57. Matrix converters

58. Maldi-matrix

59. My Matrix.

60. A matrix Commutes with every other matrix if and only if it is a scalar matrix, that is, a matrix of the form , where is the identity matrix, and is a scalar

61. Description Matrix = Blosum (Identity) returns a Blosum (Blocks Substitution Matrix) scoring matrix with a specified percent identity

62. Dot matrix printers are divided on two main groups: serial dot matrix printers and line matrix printers.

63. Second matrix

64. MINVERSE(matrix

65. First matrix

66. The Matrix?

67. In chapter 1 these properties are derived as necessary conditions for an algebraic and order homomorphism between the real matrices and the floating-point matrices.

68. 3 Another matrix associated with G is the adjacency matrix.

69. A Covariance matrix is the basis of a correlation matrix.

70. For a detailed discussion of how the Blosum matrices are computed

71. Infinite matrices occur in planetary theory and in atomic theory.

72. Blosum - BLOcks SUbstitution Matrix The Blosum matrix is another amino acid substitution matrix, first calculated by Henikoff and Henikoff

73. In conclusion, thermal processing and food matrices largely affect Amandin immunoreactivity

74. Your attribute matrix.

75. Active matrix substrate

76. The influence coefficient matrixes of initial parameter are used for the solutions of the initial parameter equations.

77. A matrix display comprises a matrix of optically addressable pixels (Pij).

78. But one must always be careful to distinguish (the first order treatment of) these infinitesimal rotation matrices from both finite rotation matrices and from Lie algebra elements.

79. A matrix display device comprises a matrix of optically addressable pixels (Pij).

80. In probability theory and statistics, a Covariance matrix (also known as auto-Covariance matrix, dispersion matrix, variance matrix, or variance–Covariance matrix) is a square matrix giving the Covariance between each pair of elements of a given random vector.Any Covariance matrix is symmetric and positive semi-definite and its main diagonal contains variances (i.e., the Covariance of each